Curiosity Selling

Suppose you are not curious to know about your customers. Why should the customers have the Curiosity to know about your products and services?

To transform from Product-Focused Selling to Customer-Focused Selling, salespeople need to have a sense of curiosity when approaching customers.


According to Maura Koutoujian, a career and life coach with Jody Michael Associates, “Curiosity involves finding the unfamiliar in the familiar.”

She describes Curiosity as the recognition and strong desire to explore — even the things you think you already know.

If you already know, why expend the mental energy?

Whether in your professional or personal life, Curiosity can:

📌1. Encourage meaningful dialogue

📌 2. Leads to fabulous discoveries

📌 3. Open the door to unlimited options

📌 4. Inspire innovation

📌 5. Helps you understand others’ points of view (which encourages participation & engagement)

📌 6. Make you a stronger and more flexible leader