Customers Keep Rescheduling Or Postponing My Appointment! What Can I Do?

Customers keep rescheduling or postponing my appointments! What can I do?

This is one of the common challenges shared by many salespeople during sales training.

And this frustrated them because they felt this was beyond their control.

I can understand their frustration because they have a sales target to hit.

Customers are always busy. And customers always have their work priorities.

When customers keep rescheduling or postponing our appointments, it simply means that our appointment is not their main priority.

Never blame the customers. Never blame your lack of luck.

It’s always about your SKILLS.

Do you know how to create customers’ urgency to meet up with you?

When customers have a sense of urgency to meet up with you, they will give the time for you.

Otherwise, you will have to wait until they are available. This will prolong your sales cycle.

And worst scenario is when your competitors can get an appointment with the customers and close the deal before you. You lose the market share.

If your sales team is facing this challenge in sales and is unsure what to do and how to overcome this challenge, DM me, and we’ll talk!