How To Sell Beyond Price?

Customer ONLY Care About Price!

I have heard many salespeople complain about customers who only want the lowest price.

Yes, we admit that price is ONE of the factors that customers will consider. However, Price is NOT the only factor that the customer will consider.

If we only keep focusing on PRICE, our brain will NOT have the capacity to think about ideas and ways to create real value to our clients to justify why should they buy from us although our price is higher.

When you were a customer, have you ever bought something from someone, even the price is not the cheapest? Let’s think back, why you bought the item from that person?

Even your friends/ family members may have told you that you could have got the same item somewhere else at a lower price. What was your justification? You will justify that you decided to buy from that vendor because of other factors which are important to you besides the price.

Rather than focusing our time & energy thinking about how to lower the price, focus our time & energy in understanding our customer’s needs & think of ideas on how to create value to our customers to help them improve their business & solve their real problems.

Otherwise, we will never be able to beat the lowest price war game.