The Power of Coaching

She was in a dilemma because of her unpleasant experience.

She asked me these questions during our coaching session.

“Should I call the customers after the Chinese New Year?”

“Will customers be annoyed and dislike us if we approach them for business loans now?” (Because Chinese believe in avoiding borrowing money during the Chinese New Year)

I then asked her, “What’s your thought and experience on this?”

She then shared with me about her unpleasant selling experience. Last year, she got some feedback from the customers not to approach them for business loans during the Chinese New Year.”

I realized her unpleasant experience had stopped her from continuing to hustle.

I probe further to understand how many customers had this unhappy reaction when she approached them during last year’s Chinese New Year.

She then said, “3 out of 5”.

I get her to see things from a different perspective.

“At least there are still two customers (out of 5) who are willing to talk to you and meet you during CNY. It’s 40% of the conversion rate!”

“If you stop calling customers now and during CNY, what will happen? You will lose the 2 potential customers.”

After the coaching session, she realized she was over-worried about the customers’ reactions.

She shared with me that she will continue to hustle and call the customers tomorrow.

I’m feeling proud of her. Because she has changed the language of her self-talk from “Should I …?” to “I will …”

So today, what are you willing to do?

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