Why Are My Salespeople Not Proactive?

In one of the coach-the-coach sessions, a business manager shared that her salesperson lacks a proactive attitude at work.

Even though she has repeatedly told the salesperson what to do, the salesperson always missed the tasks and deadlines.

She felt frustrated with the passive attitude.

And she asked me how to make the salesperson more proactive at work.

To avoid making assumptions, I asked her to share how she usually manages this salesperson, rather than directly giving her ideas.

My intention in asking this question is not just for me to understand how she manages the salesperson, but also for her to be aware of her management style.

I strongly believe self-awareness is always the first step in managing change.

After a deep coaching conversation, I am glad she realized she is the one who needs to change before she can see the behavioural change of the salesperson.

She realized that her management style indirectly shapes the behaviour and attitude of this salesperson.

She is fast-paced, quick in acting, wants to have control, wants to make independent decisions and is impatient in listening.

💡 The salesperson didn’t call her proactively because she called the salesperson most of the time.

💡 The salesperson didn’t proactively suggest solutions because she gave the solutions directly and told the salesperson to follow her way.

💡 The salesperson didn’t proactively do weekly planning because she told the salesperson what to do for the week,

💡 The salesperson has low accountability to complete the tasks properly because it is not her idea. It is just an instruction from the superior.

After some time, the salesperson chose not to voice her ideas and thoughts because the business manager did not show interest in listening and always rejected her ideas.

To cut the story short, I am proud that she took the courage and actions to change her management style. Rather than using an instructing method, she used the coaching method in her management style.

A few months later, she started seeing proactive behaviours from the salesperson.

What did you learn from this case study?